Dear George....
You don't know me yet
And you never will
But I still want you to know
That whereever you are
Even thought youre gone
Your music will live on
I never imagined
That this day would come
I listen to your words
And tears come to my eyes
I understand your love
And I understand your pain
The words are finally so clear
When I listened in the past
The only thing that I heard
Were the chords reaching my heart
I never imagined
That this day would come
I have to say good-bye
To your wonderful sounds
That now bring
Saddned tears to my eyes
I wanted to grow up
To be like my idol
But I just couldn't make
The music flow from my heart
I had all of the perfect feelings
That made up the perfect song
I never imagined
That this day would come
I have to say good-bye
To your wonderful sounds
That now bring saddened tears
To my once dry eyes
My heart is broken
Never to be the same again
While I listen to the news
I hear that you are gone forever
A flow of tears come to my dry eyes
Never stopping to breath
I look at your photos
I listen to your songs
I smile once in a while
But the more tears I cry
I never imagined
That this day would come
When I have to say good-bye
Your voice and the sounds of your sitar
Will never reach another soul the same again
You were a Taxman
John was the Walrus
Paul was the Eggman
Ringo was Caveman
But you were a Taxman
Paul wanted Wings
Ringo wanted to be a front man
John flew in the sky with Lucy
You floated away on Cloud Nine
Ringo wanted her picture
John wanted a Ticket to leave
Paul became a Lonley Heart
You tol her you wanted her love back
While your guitar weeped
John stayed in bed for peace
Paul died and came back to life
Ringo lived in the ocean
When the music was made
Only one thing stood out
Everyone else left love or life
You just wanted everything back
Till there was you makes my heart sing
Your music and words
Bring the broken pieces of my heart
Back to one whole again
Maybe the words in this song
Don't quite roll together
When the sun comes up again
The dark cloud will pass away
Maybe Paul was the Walrus
And John was the Eggman
Ringo was the Caveman for sure
And you were really the Taxman
You soul lives on, your body does not
And since music is the language of the soul
You music will always live on
Through countless generations